
Research on marine mammals in Skjálfandaflói

University of Iceland Research Center, Húsavík

The Research Center of the University of Iceland in Húsavík was opened in 2007. The center specializes in research on marine mammals, and since its establishment, research on Skjálfand has mostly been directed by the Research Center. The Húsavík Whale Museum is a formal partner of the Research Center and over the years the collaboration has taken place in various ways.

The subjects of the research include photographic analysis, diving time and habitat. Researchers have facilities on board whale watching boats, where they collect data during daily trips, recording information about the different species seen in the bay. The number, location and behavior of the animals are of great importance to the researchers. The research now focuses on the most common species in Skjálfanda; humpbacks, graylings, whales and spotted tubers. Every now and then there is an opportunity to explore other species such as killer whales and duckbills. By clicking here more information about these studies can be obtained.