Despite the boring weather, Dr.'s lecture was very well attended. Joe Roman which took place at the Whale Museum yesterday. The lecture was entitled
"Growing Whale Populations: How Increasing Whale Populations Can Help Ocean Life"
As the title suggests, the lecture discussed the changes in the marine environment following the reduction of whaling in the world. The restoration of large whale populations to their previous state, after centuries of overfishing, is a sign of a unique success in environmental protection in the last century. However, the increase in the number of whales can create conflicts, as they are sometimes seen as competitors to fishing and other human interests. In the lecture, Dr. Novel biological role of whales in the ocean, including how they promote productivity and ecological diversity, effectively serving as ocean engineers.
Joe Roman is a conservation biologist at the University of Vermont, USA. He is currently in Iceland with a research grant in the field of Arctic studies from the Fulbright Foundation. He works at the University of Iceland, where he studies how nutrients in the sea are transported from northern latitudes by whales, a process that has been called the "big whale conveyor belt". Roman is particularly interested in the protection of endangered species, whale ecology and island ecosystems.
The whale museum in Húsavík thanks Dr. Thank you very much Roman for an informative lecture.