Update on the show.

Today was an art exhibition by the artist Renata Ortega taken down from the exhibition hall of the Whale Museum. The art exhibition was set up in the middle of summer 2018 and was originally supposed to be on display until the end of 2019. When it came to bringing in the next artists who were going to come to us from abroad, the pandemic put a stop to the plan and therefore the plan to keep Rena until travel would be possible again. Now that the spring of 2021 is approaching, it is uncertain when we will be able to travel between countries without obstacles, and therefore we will be alarmed at the idea of ​​setting up a temporary exhibition about plastic in the ocean in collaboration with Ocean Mission.

Ocean Mission is a community of individuals who work on research and protection of the ocean. Ocean Mission's mission consists of temporary studies of vulnerable ocean areas to gather information for scientists, legislators, and other stakeholders concerned about wildlife and ocean health. Emphasis is placed on areas that are of scientific interest or are little visited due to geographical factors. Debris that floats in the sea, including fishing gear and plastic, is being particularly targeted, and research is aimed at assessing the impact on marine life.

Sponsors are being sought to help finance the exhibition.

The Whale Museum sincerely thanks Rena for a beautiful art exhibition, which we say goodbye to with sadness.


Artwork by Renata Ortega


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