Abercrombie & Kent supports The Whale Museum

The American philanthropic organization Abercrombie & Kent presented the museum with a 7000 $ donation today. This is the forth year in a row that Abercrombie & Kent chooses to support the museum. The support the previous years have been used to built the new blue whale exhibition and will this year´s support guarantee the continuing work with the exhibition. During the handover of the donation more than 170 guests on behalf of Abercrombie & Kent were in the museum. The guests are traveling with the cruise ship Le Boreal. The Whale Museum is extremely grateful for the support and goodwill that Abercrombie & Kent have been showing the museum the last four years.

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A Whale Carcass in North Iceland

Last week staff from the Húsavík Whale Museum ventured to Eyjafjörður to take a closer look at a whale carcass on the

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